Get your energy flowing


Flirt with yourself and Pleasure


Spark Devotion for your Body


Watch this video to set your intention and the stage if you like to warm up your mind first. Or jump to the ritual is below!



You'll hear the music it in the follow-along video but I recommend playing this on top of it for a better, more immersive experience.


Click on the image to get a PDF of the Steps in the Ritual - most of them are key Sacred Sexuality Practices.



Is Sacred Sexuality a path you feel called to follow... but you don't know how?

Let's talk about it!

I'm empowering women all over the world to create Higher Love from the inside out by giving them a simple Practice Plan to awaken themselves, with or without a partner.

Send me an email at [email protected] telling me about the change you want in your life, and I'll get back to you asap with your next step!